Climate Problems & Goals From 3rd – 5th Grader Perspective

Jan 15, 2018 | Program | 0 comments

The GWEers in the after school program at Reginald Chavez Elementary have been learning Science and Climate Science for the past 4 months! Now it is time for them to brainstorm, from what they learned, what the problems are and what actions they want to take to help solve the problems.

Four of the GWEers put their heads and hearts together for a think-tank meeting.

Here is the list of what needs work! Great comprehension and good thinking, girls! These lists put together by 3rd thru 5th graders: Emily, Beth, Gabriela, Allison, Ithalya


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... is a By Kids / For Kids Think Tank Program for kids ages 8-12. The program is designed to be mentored by grownups, but powered by kids, who decide what Small Goals and Big Goals they want to accomplish.

The Global Warming Express is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, based in New Mexico..


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