ABQ GWEers Push for 100% Solar

Apr 2, 2018 | Kids Speak Out | 0 comments

Our GWE kids were asked: “Why does 100% solar matter?”

Allison checking Reginald Chavez Solar Meter

GWEers in the after school program at Reginald Chavez Elementary School in Albuquerque will not settle for less than 100%. That was there decision when they heard that their school had been solarized. They decided to write a letter to Tony Sparks, the ABQ Public Schools Energy Conservation and Sustainability Manager.

Here is what they wrote:

“.….We were all surprised that there were solar panels on the new building. We would be interested in talking to you about getting solar panels on the main building. We would like to know how much energy the school uses so we can know if the current solar panels reach our goal.

Thank you.

The Global Warming Express
Jaylene, Gaby, Ithalya, Emily, Beth, Johnny”

Their Goal is to have 100% solar power for their school. Not 50%, not 80%– 100 percent.

Allison (3rd grade)

I feel sad because kids’ futures are not going to be as good. If we can get laws written, maybe when we grow up we can have a better future and our kids can have a better future so people in future generations don’t have to suffer.

Jaylene (4th grade)

(Global warming) matters to me because I have family that lives in other countries and so do other people. It makes me sad to hear that natural disasters are getting bigger.

Gabriella (4th grade)

I feel mad when I think of cutting down trees because trees give us something that a lot of people don’t notice. …When trees breathe in CO2 there is less Global Warming. If we stop cutting down trees we will have clean air and lessGlobal Warming.

Emily (3rd grade)

One big thing I’ve learned is that anybody can make a change no matter how young they are.


15 + 10 =


... is a By Kids / For Kids Think Tank Program for kids ages 8-12. The program is designed to be mentored by grownups, but powered by kids, who decide what Small Goals and Big Goals they want to accomplish.

The Global Warming Express is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, based in New Mexico..


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